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Powercode BMU – Quickstart

Initial BMU Setup

  1. Power up the BMU.
  2. Connect a computer to the Ethernet port labeled 0 (eth0).
  3. Set your computer to
  4. Open in a web browser.
  5. Login as admin/admin123.
  6. Navigate to the IP Address navigation menu entry.
  7. Add all the necessary IP addresses to the BMU. Do not delete the entry yet as you will be kicked out of the interface.
  8. Navigate to Routing -> Static.
  9. Add a static route with a destination network of and a subnet mask of The destination IP should be the default gateway.
  10. Click on Users -> Users and click the pencil icon next to the admin account. Change the password to something hard to guess.
  11. Click on System -> Powercode Settings and enter the IP of your Powercode management server into the management IP and redirect IP fields.

Now if you plug the BMU into the network, you should be able to access it. If you need to configure NAT rules, navigate to Routing -> NAT. The BMU should now be acting as a standalone router.

Setting the BMU up in Powercode

Navigate to Network -> BMU Overview. Click Add New BMU.

Enter all the appropriate information. The API key is available in the BMU web interface under System -> API Key. After adding the BMU to Powercode, make sure the status changes to Good. If it does not, double check the API key and make sure the BMU and billing server can communicate with each other across your network.

Once the BMU is good, click the action drop down and select Configure BMU. Click Synchronize BMU to force an initial synchronization of the system. Now you can begin to add your address ranges. Click Add New IP Address Range and begin to configure all the address ranges you will use for customers and infrastructure on your network. Enabling DHCP for a range will allow the BMU to run as a DHCP server for that network.

Open Access List

Adding IPs to the Open Access List will allow customers to access these IPs even if they are not authorized for access. If you are using ProPay as your payment gateway, you must add and to your open access list. This will allow customers to make payments even if they are delinquent.

Please refer to the detailed BMU documentation in this knowledge base for more information on configuring your BMU

Updated on August 18, 2021

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